Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sony's Feelings Hurt Over Nintendo's 3D Glasses Jabs

It seems like there's a wry bit of happenstance going on in the gaming industry right now as it pertains to 3D gaming. Just as Sony begins its big push forward to promote the PS3 as the ultimate 3D gaming experience (and sell a few Sony 3D TVs along the way), Nintendo subverts them by introducing the 3DS. Unlike nearly all other 3D media (including the PS3), the 3DS doesn't require big, goofy glasses, and Nintendo's letting people know that every chance they get. Well, I guess they could be a little bit nicer about it, because it seems like they're hurting some feelings over at Sony.

A recent IGN article quotes Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony's Worldwide Studios, as saying about Nintendo;

"When you listen to what they are saying about the effect of 3D perspective to the games, they are saying the same message we are, but they don't have to bash some small part of what the other company is doing." 

He goes on to give a "can't we all get along" message to Nintendo, saying;

"I think as an industry we should preach this new perspective, from a very large cinema screen to a small portable, because that helps advancing the games and the game industry. We'd like to work together to promote 3D."
But ultimately, he of course champions glasses-3D above all else, saying;

"If you really want a big theater experience, of course you have to wear glasses. With the latest technology, the glasses are light and you kind of forget you're wearing them after awhile."
 So it seems like the dawn of the 3D Age in video games is upon us. Whether the best way to experience this brave new world is to don cumbersome glasses or have limited viewing angles on a glasses-free system is to be determined


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