Wednesday, January 19, 2011

North American 3DS Launch Date & Price Revealed

At long last, we have the launch info for the 3DS in North America. It'll arrive on March 27 and will retail for 249 US dollars (sorry, couldn't help myself).

We've known for a while that the 3DS would launch sometime in March, but it's nice to finally have a day to mark on our calendars. As for the price, I think most people were expecting a $250 price point, but it's still a little disappointing that it wasn't a bit lower. As for launch titles, all we learned was that there would be 30+ titles ready for the "launch window", which was defined as the time between when the 3DS launches and E3 in June.

Not much other new info was given at Nintendo's New York press event earlier today. We did learn that the dreaded friend code system would rear its ugly head once again, but now there's only one code per 3DS which will work for all games instead of a new code for each game. It still kind of sucks, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Also, titles you downloaded for your DSi will be transferable to the 3DS, so that's nice.

March 27. Prepare yourselves, game enthusiasts.


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