It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Six months without a post… I’d be more remorseful about abandoning the site if I had, you know, readers, but I still feel kind of bad. There needs to be a blog before there can be readers, so not posting for half a year certainly didn’t help matters. However, with the dawn of a new year (2011 AD, for those of you keeping score at home), I think it’s time to make a comeback!
My New Year’s resolution this year is to redouble my efforts here on 3LL. That means, at the very least, one post a week. Hopefully I’ll be doing more than that, but I’m going to try for sure to never go too long without an update. My hope for this new year is that I can carve myself a niche into this world wide web of ours, however small. The goal is simple: get 11 people to become regular or semi-regular readers of the site. 11 for ’11. That’s less than one a month! Certainly within reach, wouldn’t you think? If I can get 11 people to read my blog on any semblance of a consistent basis, then I’ll be thrilled.
With this new beginning, I feel I should restate the mission statement of this blog: At its core, Three-Life Legends is a video game blog that chronicles video games and gaming culture from the past, present, and future. I know there are a ton of video game blogs out there, but I try to separate myself from them by making each post unique, thoughtful, personal, and most of all, fun to read. I’m not going to just dump a bunch of links or dully copy-and-paste a bunch of banal video game news without thought. I aim to put my passion as a gamer into every post I make. There’s no real format to 3LL, so I can post anything at all, from news to rumors to reviews to videos to pictures to opinion pieces to retro articles and so on. Whatever it is, I’m going to try to make it worth your time.
TL;DR? 3LL is back and going to be better than ever. The goal this year is going to be “11 for ‘11”, 11 regular readers by the end of 2011. I’m sure if you give this blog a chance, you’ll become one of the 11 in time. Oh, and if you’re the first person to leave a comment on 3LL, I’ll love you until the end of time, so there’s that. And if you do become a fan, spread the good word and link to 3LL on your forum or social media network of choice. That would also win you my undying love.
Video games!