Thursday, January 27, 2011

Platinum Games Debuts Teaser Trailer for Anarchy Reigns

One of my favorite developers out there today is Platinum Games, makers of such titles as MadWorld, Bayonetta, and, most recently, Vanquish. Their games always have a masterful blend of action, style, and all-out fun. So, it should go without saying that I'm pumped for their next project, Anarchy Reigns. Check out the debut teaser trailer below:

Jack! In beautiful HD! In case you're unfamiliar with the game, Anarchy Reigns is being described by Platinum as a "Massively Multiplayer Melee Fighting Action" game (or, MMMFA, for those of you who like to make up acronyms). Here's a story that descibes the game in a little more detail. Frankly, it sounds awesome, and it should be another surefire hit for Platinum.

Anarchy Reigns is tentatively scheduled for release this Fall on the XBox 360 and PS3.


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