Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Site Note: The Blogger Formerly Known As...

First of all, apologies for the extended silence on the blog (last post was almost a week ago). I am nothing if not a slacker.

Now to the matter at hand: I've changed my Blogger display name from "Mayor Defacto" to "Alex Agahnim". When I first decided that I wanted to try my hand at blogging, I figured I needed a cool blogging moniker to go by. As I pondered names, "Mayor Defacto" seemed to click in my mind. If you don't know, anytime you start a new city in the SimCity series, you're asked what your name is and are thus named "Mayor Whatever-your-name-is". The default name is "Defacto", and as a fan of SimCity, I thought it would be a neat reference. Starting a brand new blog is kind of analogous to starting to build a new city, so it seemed to fit (and the video game allusion was already built-in).

However, now that I'm a few months into my blogging adventure, I don't think the name fits anymore. As I start to actually communicate with people across the spectrum of internet social sites, the name "Mayor Defacto" just seems too cold and anonymous. I have no qualms about using my real name (Alex Fuller!) on the interwebs, but like I said before, I wanted to have a "blogging name" to go by that was video game related somehow.

And so, with the knowledge that it would be too boring to simply calling myself by my real name, but that it would also be too impersonal to go with a completely anonymous alias, I decided to go with a combination of both: which turned out to be (by using all of my brainpower at full capacity for several consecutive days straight to come up with) "Alex Agahnim". If you have no idea what an "Agahnim" is, then you probably never played A Link to the Past. I liked the name not only because LttP is my favorite game, but because "Agahnim" was actually Ganon's alter ego. I thought that it was fitting, since my blogging/internet identity is kind of like an alter ego of me IRL. Also, you got that double "A" alliteration thing going, so you know, it sounds kind of cool (read: incredibly lame).

And... wow, I can't believe I actually just wrote a lengthy blog post about what arbitrary name I call myself online. I think I need to go read Homer's Odyssey and brush up on the fallacies of identity and perception. I don't even know what that means.

TL;DR: I'm the same person, I just changed my display name from "Mayor Defacto" to "Alex Agahnim". I'm pretty sure all of the old posts now show the new name, so if you're a new reader, you won't know what the hell I'm talking about here anyway. Just call me "Alex" if you want. I really don't want to confuse anyone.


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