Thursday, March 3, 2011

Site Note: A Little Sprucing Up

Some of this stuff is really old, but I figured I'd mention them formally in a post anyway just to have it "on record", I guess. 

First: the new banner. Just something I whipped up on Photoshop, but it looks infinitely better than the banner I was using beforehand (and no one will know what that looked like because I have no reader base, so I'm in the clear as far as that's concerned). Can you identify the fonts I used? Most gamers, especially 16-bit era stalwarts, will probably get the title font, but the subtitle font may be a little trickier. It certainly has a nice link to a past great game (so long, subtlety!). 

The next thing is that 3LL has a new commenting system courtesy of IntenseDebate. I'm still looking for that first comment on the site, so if you're an awesome person, you'll leave a comment because leaving comments is what an awesome person would do. If you'd please leave a comment, it would be much appreciated. Comments.

Last and perhaps least, I re-did a bunch of the tags on all of the old posts so now it's easier to navigate around the site and find the stuff you're interested in. Just take a look at the tag cloud over on the right side of the site. Own a PS3? Click the "PS3" tag and you can see all the posts relating to PS3 games. Want to watch the latest and greatest trailers? The "trailer" tag awaits! 

So that's all for now. Kind of boring, but oh well. I'll have cool, exciting video game things to talk about later, so stay tuned.


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